There are a few titles that work better with different emulator engines but unplayably slow. I have a problem with Dolphin 5.0-9322 The message is 'Your OpenGL driver does not support ARB_buffer_storage. Dolphin is regarded as the King of Emulator when it comes to Nintendo consoles. File Name: dolphin-5.0.dmg File Size: 14.03 MB System: Nintendo Gamecube Version: 5.0 Downloads: 256,690 Not what you are looking for? Last update: Sep 25, 2020. It is very reliable, and only a few titles still have problems with it.
Dolphin is a Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulator for the Mac. All in all, Dolphin is a useful and powerful Wii and Gamecube emulator that manages not only to bring the console gaming experience on your Mac's desktop, but also to improve on the overall performance and graphics of the emulated games when compared to other similar emulators. Check out our Mac emulator section! 'Since I do not know how to update openGL on mac, do you have a solution ? To play a game, you need to have the ISO image of the game CD. It is the first emulator to successfully run commercial GameCube and Wii games, and is still the only emulator capable of running commercial Wii games.